Intellistage guard rails are the prefect addition to your stage system. Designed to keep performers safe, our guard rails are sold in modular sections and are available for our stage platforms and our step platforms. All stage platforms come standard with pre-marked holes, so if you decide to add guard rails-installation is a snap. Simply drill holes at the pre-marked locations found on the platforms, mount your guard rails with the provided mounting screws and connect the guard rail sections together with our special guardrail to guardrail connector hardware (hardware is included).
Guard rail panels with integrated chair stop and mounting hardware (2PK). Available in 4', 3' and 1M sizes.
Guard rail panel for step platforms. Steps platforms are necessary on all stages taller than 20CM. Steps allow performers to quickly and safely get on stage and should be incorporated into all large stage designs.
Our adjustable guard rail panel for the IntelliStage ramp system can be adjusted for either wheelchair or equipment ramp slopes. Adjustable guard rail panels are required anywhere there is a transition between sloped and level platforms
Guard rail covers give guard rails a solid apperance. The covers simply fold over and slip onto standard guardrails and are held in place by hook and loop fastners.
Our Intellistage multi-purpose trolley is perfect for both storage and transportation for up to 12 guard rails or ramp frames or up to 10 IntelliStage platforms. Trolley comes with interchangeable V and L shaped brackets to hold ramp frames, guard rails, platforms or a combination of both. straps secure everything during transportation and our included accessory pouch ensures you won't [...]VIEW MORE
Guard rail mounting screws (10pcs)
Guard rail corner mounting hardware (2pcs)
Guard rail side to side mounting hardware (2pcs)